June 03, 2005


The new issue of The New Criterion is online, and I must pass along these two articles...at least until I read the rest...

First, Keith Windschuttle takes on "the journalism of warfare", and compares the work of London-based leftist writers Robert Fisk and John Pilger with that of Victor Davis Hanson, characterizing it as the difference between "sophistry and scholarship". Guess which is which.

Then wordsmith Roger Kimball profiles the work of Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski, including his definitive critique of Marxism. (I'm never sure if I feel smarter or dumber after reading something by Roger Kimball. I always learn something, but I'm humbled by his intellect and writing talent. C'est la vie.)

Posted by dan at June 3, 2005 02:13 AM | TrackBack
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